Thursday, August 27, 2015


Sailing with Albie! 

Just what the HECK is “T-Q-M” traffic? 

WHATEVER you promote, just understand this:  Internet marketing success
boils down to one, simple fact---

If you have the traffic, you WILL make the sales!” 

But it can’t be just ANY traffic.  You must have “T-Q-M” traffic--- 
You must have T-ARGETED traffic!

It doesn’t put money in your wallet if your ads go out to “dog lovers” when
your product is “hand-made candles,” does it?  Your traffic must be
TARGETED to your specific marketing niche.

You must have Q-UALIFIED traffic! 
Deadbeats that don’t have two cents to rub together, tire-kickers, and
“lookie-loos” won’t put a DIME in your pocket.  Your traffic must be QUALIFIED
and ready and able to spend money on your product.

You must have M-ASSIVE AMOUNTS of traffic! 
The days are long gone when you could make a living by putting your ads in
front of a few hundred, or even a few thousand prospects.  Today’s super- 
competitive Internet requires you to put your ads in front of MILLIONS – truly
MASSIVE amounts - of prospects!

We'll show you how to get ALL the “T-Q-M” traffic you’ll ever need - massive
amounts of quality, targeted prospects – BUYERS, not flat-broke tire-kickers! 
Go to the site below for full details---

Click HERE:
And--- if something is unclear, please email,
or even CALL me. I might not have ALL the
answers, but I WILL be happy to help in any way I can!

SailingWithAlbie (at) Gmail (dot) com

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