Hi! Albie here. I CAN'T STAND IT!
You ask me what is it that I can’t stand? And I have to answer you:
You know, I’m so tired of seeing people making the same mistakes over and over again. Not investing in things that will really help them but making the mistake over and over again of only looking for cheap almost worthless investments.
The mistake of not actually working the plan to make their dream come true. It’s one thing to have a vision but it’s quite another to actually work on it every day consistently even when you don’t want to or see results at first. These are just a couple of things I can’t stand. Another thing I can’t stand is seeing people wasting their potential.
I know I’m not the only person who enjoys the ocean, finding shells on the sand and walking along the beach hearing the constant rumble of the waves coming in.
I know that you have great potential in sharing things that you love with others too and...not only...
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