Friday, June 29, 2018

Building Your Dream!

Albie's Online Team! 

Building your dream starts from within.

My advice: 

Work together on your dream with God and fashion the dream from within your heart and mind. Everything starts there and is built from there.

Work on your dream everyday. Build it in your mind and in your daily actions.

I wake up every morning and thank God for the day and connect with Him and then share my dream with Him. I then explore what the dream looks like and what I have been doing to build it. Then I look into the future at where I think it’s going and what it could turn into for myself and others.

The second you lose sight of your dream and lose belief in it - that second your dream begins to fall apart. So building it up in your mind daily is important.

The thing is that you don’t have to understand it all... just be building it.

The definition of success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.”
Earl Nightingale

Notice how it said “progressive”.

Many of these thoughts have all come from understanding the book The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles and many more concepts from the Bible, mentors and experiences.

Anyway, if you have a dream to build a good business doing something you love; that can free you from being a slave to a job and want some help with that, share that with me and let’s put out minds together.

Here’s an excellent business:

~Albie Derbyshire
‭1 (877) 576-9973‬
Cell: 626-379-5692

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Albies Online Income!: Who I’m looking For

Albies Online Income!: Who I’m looking For: I’m only looking for those that want to change their life. I’m NOT looking for those just looking to make some extra money....

Who I’m looking For

I’m only looking for those that want to change their life.

I’m NOT looking for those just looking to make some extra money. There’s lots of jobs and ways to make money out there. 

I’m not looking for those that just want it easy. There’s lots of those “programs” that promise you the world without the work out there but this isn’t it. 

I’m not looking for those who aren’t willing to work. I don’t want to work with the self deluded. Anything of value takes work. 

I’m AM looking for those that are willing to do what it takes to change their life financially. If that’s you I can introduce you to my mentor who makes 7- figures from home. He was a dreamer too at one point. But he created what he did with real work and with real programs and with real advertising. He uses this system to advertise with. Why? Because it’s amazing and worth what little you spend monthly to have it. 

Did I SCARE you with a possible monthly cost? 

Ok - I’m not looking for those scared of that either. Business is business and you have to have tools to make it work. This tool also can create residual income and $500 - $1000 pay days. 

You should check it out - if your passionate about changing your life that is.

Call me if you’re what I’m looking for. 

~Albie Derbyshire 

‭1 (877) 576-9973‬
Cell: 626-379-5692

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Tired of No Customers?

Tired of no customers? 
Need to learn how to advertise your business? 

We teach YouTube marketing, Facebook, SEO, Google and almost every way possible. Not only that but we teach from Basic to Advanced. 

Where can you get the best marketing tool around, teaches you how to get endless free leads, how to do any kind of advertising and where you can make RESIDUALl income and $500 - $1000 on the back end? 

Join below and then connect with me. I won’t leave you stranded like how I was for so many years. 

~Albie Derbyshire 

‭1 (877) 576-9973‬
Cell: 626-379-5692

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Building Bridges to 6-figures.

Communication and Making Money

Have you ever wondered how important communication is to making money online? 

I understand how frustrating it is to join one program after the next hoping to hit the “holy grail”. Especially with bills due and dreams on hold till you can make that extra money. But let’s get beyond the magical business for a second. I feel it’s my duty to make sure you understand what the reality it from the falsehood. 

Business is still business. What worked in the past still works now but with some advanced methods coving it all up. 

Some people think that you just need to sign up with the right system and it will do everything for you and you’ll JUST make money lol! 

The painful truth is that having a great system is a good start but it never replaces communication. Even if that communication is on the cutting edge. 

Communication has always meant interchanging ideas with you and the customer. 

Now notice this: it does NOT mean interchanging ideas with you and a computer. It does NOT mean interchanging ideas with you and a system. Interchanging ideas with YOU and the customer is how it goes. 

Yes it can be in the form of email and video, messenger, telephone or text. But the fact that they are actually getting to know YOU is the key and that they can access you is another. 

I hope this helps clear things up a little and gives you something real you can build your business on!

Something where the rubber meets the road and how sales are really made. 

Now that you’ve got that down, let’s talk about the system: 

Top earners in the business share that in order to make six figures one must create RESIDUAL income and a certain amount of $500 - $1000 paydays each month. 

This business will do that for you. And give you the tools to advertise with and the knowledge of how to do that.

So start now and give me a call after you do. Let’s communicate for real. 

~Albie Derbyshire 

‭1 (877) 576-9973‬
Cell: 626-379-5692